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breaker [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈbreɪkər/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈbreɪkɚ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(brākər) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 breaker n informal (wave that breaks)SCSimplified Chinese 浪花 làng huā  The surfers were disappointed at the absence of breakers at the beach. breaker n (electrical device)SCSimplified Chinese 断路器 duàn lù qì TCTraditional Chinese 斷路器  Flip the breaker to turn the power off.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 ball-buster, ballbuster, ball-breaker, ballbreaker n figurative, informal (woman threatening to men)SCSimplified Chinese 悍妇,强悍的女人,女强人 hàn fù,nǚ qiáng rén   (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 凶婆娘,女魔头 ball-buster, ballbuster, ball-breaker, ballbreaker n figurative, informal (strict disciplinarian)SCSimplified Chinese 严格维持纪律的人 breaker bar n (type of wrench: removes nuts)SCSimplified Chinese 杠杆扳手 circuit breaker n (electrical device)SCSimplified Chinese 断路器 duàn lù qì TCTraditional Chinese 斷路器 circuit breaker n US, figurative (tax relief) (财产税)SCSimplified Chinese 税款减免机制,断电器机制 备注: 财产税超过低收入者承受能力时政府给予的某些纳税优惠。circuit breaker n figurative (strict measures to reduce infection)SCSimplified Chinese 熔断机制   SCSimplified Chinese 阻断措施 circuit-breaker n as adj figurative (strict measures to reduce infection)SCSimplified Chinese 断路器 duàn lù qì TCTraditional Chinese 斷路器   SCSimplified Chinese 断路开关  The government announced a two-week circuit-breaker lockdown. deal breaker, deal-breaker, also US: dealbreaker n (issue that ends agreement)SCSimplified Chinese 决定性的终止原因  We want to work with you, but if you can't supply the product fast enough, that's a deal-breaker. icebreaker, also UK: ice-breaker n figurative (conversation starter)SCSimplified Chinese 开场白 kāi chǎng bái TCTraditional Chinese 開場白   SCSimplified Chinese 活跃气氛的话  On the first day of the job, we used icebreakers to get to know each other.  上班第一天,我们说了一些活跃气氛的话来了解彼此。 icebreaker, also UK: ice-breaker n (ship that breaks ice)SCSimplified Chinese 破冰船 pò bīng chuán panelboard, breaker panel, distribution board, electric panel n (panel of electrical switches)SCSimplified Chinese 控制盘 kòng zhì pán   SCSimplified Chinese 配电盘 record breaker, record-breaker n (highest achiever)SCSimplified Chinese 打破纪录者   SCSimplified Chinese 创造纪录的人  The athlete became a record breaker when she won her fifth gold medal at the Olympic Games. safecracker, safe-cracker, safe cracker, safebreaker, safe-breaker, safe breaker n (law: [sb] who breaks into safes)SCSimplified Chinese 保险箱窃贼 bǎo xiǎn xiāng qiè zéi spring breaker n US, informal (young vacationer)SCSimplified Chinese 度春假的年轻人 strikebreaker, strike breaker, strike-breaker n ([sb] who works during a strike)SCSimplified Chinese 破坏罢工者 pò huài bà gōng zhě  The strikebreakers were harassed by protesters during the strike. tiebreaker, tie-breaker, also UK: tie-break n (sports, game: [sth] that resolves a draw) (体育比赛的)SCSimplified Chinese 决胜局 jué shèng jú TCTraditional Chinese 決勝局   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 在这些条目还发现'breaker': 在英文解释里: blackleg - fuse - scab 同义词: wave, comber, roller, surge, surf, 更多……习惯性搭配: the system [includes, comes with] circuit breakers, (use) a circuit breaker to stop the [flow, current], a circuit breaker to [prevent, avoid, ensure], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'breaker' 的论坛讨论:

safety 30mA circuit breaker a circuit-breaker moment - English Only forum back up into a neck-breaker - English Only forum Backbone breaker - English Only forum ball-breaker - English Only forum ball-breaker - English Only forum breaker breaker 19 - English Only forum circuit breaker - English Only forum deal breaker - English Only forum deal breaker - English Only forum filter breaker [breaking into banned websites] - English Only forum fuse box and breaker box - English Only forum head-breaker - English Only forum I'm no inveterate law-breaker...... - English Only forum it tripped the apartment power breaker - English Only forum Main breaker - English Only forum not a deal breaker - English Only forum promise-breaker - English Only forum sea breaker - English Only forum some internal circuit breaker fell with a sizzle - English Only forum the electric current passes through the circuit breaker - English Only forum who's the breaker? - English Only forum wind-cheater = wind-breaker ? - English Only forum 访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'breaker'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "breaker" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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